Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Friday

I've been paying attention to the political coverage this week, and I continue to grow more and more concerned over the impact this election will have. The more we learn about Barack Obama, the more I realize I do not want him to be President. I think he's deceptive, and I think he has a hidden agenda he will try to carry out if he becomes President. His relationship with Ayers, ACORN, and Jeremiah Wright proves that he has poor judgment and/or radical ideologies.

I'm sure everyone has been following the news on the economy this week. People are saying we're in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. As I have listened to each candidate describe how they would fix the economy, I am appalled at how Obama and Biden think that it's ok to have the wealthy in this country pay higher taxes, because they don't need the money, they're rich, they don't need it! I'm tired of hearing how the big, bad oil companies (I think Joe Biden mentioned ExxonMobil about 7 times in the debate last week.) are greedy making the price of oil so high, but refuse to admit how "greedy" the government is since they get more money in gas taxes than the oil companies do in profit! If people have worked hard and saved money and businesses have succeeded throughout the years, they should be able to choose how they spend their money, not have the government decide they know what's best for us! Why doesn't someone ask ExxonMobil how much they've given to charity over the last year, and then ask Joe Biden how much he's given in chartiable donations! You'll be quite surprised!

(Ok, I'm going to stop now. The more I think about this the more it disgusts me!)

On another note, we are in the middle of re-decorating our bathroom, but unfortunately it won't be able to be finished for another couple of weeks. I hope it will look nice when it's all done!
Well, I woke up this morning, and I was soo excited it was Friday! I'm ready for the weekend. I noticed that I seem to be more grateful, and praise the Lord more on Friday's than Mondays. I guess this is something I should work on! We'll see if I can do better on Monday! :-)

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