Friday, October 17, 2008

Thank God for days off! ;-)

Today I get to go home at noon! YAY!!! I'm looking forward to a WONDERFUL weekend of fun with friends and family! This afternoon, we're going to the Downtown Aquarium, and we're going to hang out in the downtown area. This evening we're going to P.F. Changs for dinner! (I"m sooo excited! I haven't had good Chinese in a LONG time!)

Tomorrow, I get to drive to the San Antonio with my dear friend Rebecca to see my other dear friend Stacy! Stacy's in-laws are having a baby shower for her and little Libby! I will spend the night with them, and ride back from San Antonio on Sunday afternoon. I'm soo excited! Stacy and Rebecca have been like sisters to me, and since I don't have any sisters, girl-time is always special for me! Don't get me wrong, I love my brothers dearly, but there is something about being able to spend time with girlfriends that is so refreshing! I'm so looking forward to having a great time together! :-) Maybe I'll be able to figure out how to post pictures, and I'll add some from the weekend next week! Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Friday

I've been paying attention to the political coverage this week, and I continue to grow more and more concerned over the impact this election will have. The more we learn about Barack Obama, the more I realize I do not want him to be President. I think he's deceptive, and I think he has a hidden agenda he will try to carry out if he becomes President. His relationship with Ayers, ACORN, and Jeremiah Wright proves that he has poor judgment and/or radical ideologies.

I'm sure everyone has been following the news on the economy this week. People are saying we're in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. As I have listened to each candidate describe how they would fix the economy, I am appalled at how Obama and Biden think that it's ok to have the wealthy in this country pay higher taxes, because they don't need the money, they're rich, they don't need it! I'm tired of hearing how the big, bad oil companies (I think Joe Biden mentioned ExxonMobil about 7 times in the debate last week.) are greedy making the price of oil so high, but refuse to admit how "greedy" the government is since they get more money in gas taxes than the oil companies do in profit! If people have worked hard and saved money and businesses have succeeded throughout the years, they should be able to choose how they spend their money, not have the government decide they know what's best for us! Why doesn't someone ask ExxonMobil how much they've given to charity over the last year, and then ask Joe Biden how much he's given in chartiable donations! You'll be quite surprised!

(Ok, I'm going to stop now. The more I think about this the more it disgusts me!)

On another note, we are in the middle of re-decorating our bathroom, but unfortunately it won't be able to be finished for another couple of weeks. I hope it will look nice when it's all done!
Well, I woke up this morning, and I was soo excited it was Friday! I'm ready for the weekend. I noticed that I seem to be more grateful, and praise the Lord more on Friday's than Mondays. I guess this is something I should work on! We'll see if I can do better on Monday! :-)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I think fall has FINALLY come...

Well, it's an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day here today. There is no humidity in the air, and it's warm and sunny with a pretty blue sky! It's hard to believe it's October 1st, but it means we're heading into our pretty weather season! In Houston you have humid, oppressive heat for 6 months or so, and you have beautiful, cool weather (with an occasional really cold snap) for 6 months or so. There's something about the nice weather that just makes you happy. I don't know what it is, but on days like today I would rather be anywhere than inside an office!

Many of you know that dad spent two weeks in the hospital last month with a bone infection. He had surgery on his feet, and is not supposed to put any weight on his left foot, and very limited weight on his right. He came home, and is still on several antibiotics (intravenous and oral) but is really doing well.

This week his wound care Doctor told him he's healing faster than most people. He saw his surgeon today, and she said everything looks good. He still has probably another month to go before they will give him a clean bill of health, but we're grateful to the Lord that dad is doing so much better. Now our biggest problem is trying to keep him still, so he can continue to heal! He has never been someone who can sit still for any period of time, and nearly a month of laying in bed, is making him crazy! It seems that mom and I are constantly telling him no you can't do this, or no we'll get it...he's since given us the nickname of General and Seargant Hitler! I'm always having to remind him it's for his own good!

I'm still trying to come up with a name for my blog. If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them!

Until later,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I've finally decided to start a blog

So, after years of reading other people's blogs, I decided to start my own. Lately my rantings have been politics! I've always loved politics. I can remember back to the first Bush/Clinton election, and telling people to vote for George Bush, and hoping Bill Clinton wouldn't win. I didn't really know what the issues were, but I knew that I didn't want Bill Clinton to win! :-) Then I remember after that, I would tell people that some day, I would be the first republican female President. Of course people would laugh at me, but I didn't care! Today, I don't think I would EVER want to become President, and those of you who know me know that I would make a HORRIBLE President! However, I still very much love to follow what's going on in Washington.

The thought of Barack Hussein Obama becoming President of this great nation makes me SICK, literally nauseous! While John McCain was not my first choice for a candidate, the more I have listened to him over the last few months, the more he has grown on me, and I am committed to vote for him. I don't agree with everything he has said or does, but after watching his acceptance speech at the RNC, I saw a humility and genuineness in him that I hadn't seen before. I truly believe that John McCain wants to do what's best for our Country. I believe he will take his job as President as seriously as he does his job as Senator.

What bothers me is the number of countless Christians who are choosing to vote for Barack Obama for reasons unknown to me! I don't understand how anyone who truly believes the Bible and God's prinicples can choose to ignore the social issues that are supported by the Obama campaign and vote for him! I mean come on people, he voted against a bill that would stop people from being able to kill babies that were born after botched abortions! That is flat out MURDER!!! I think as Christians we should take our citizens right to vote very seriously and look at what the Scriptures say, and compare it to our candidates platforms and records. I know there are problems with both candidates, but choosing to not vote is also not an option. Which candidate most closely lines up with what the Scriptures say? That is what we should ask.

I'll stop my rantings for now, and I promise that I will not only discuss politics on my blog!

Until later,